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Lodging an Agreement with Fwa

Lodging an Agreement with FWA: A Guide for Employers

As an employer, you may have heard about lodging an agreement with the Fair Work Commission (FWA). Essentially, this means that you are submitting a proposed enterprise agreement to FWA for approval. But what exactly does this process entail and why is it important? In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about lodging an agreement with FWA.

What is an enterprise agreement?

Before we dive into the lodging process, let’s briefly define what an enterprise agreement is. An enterprise agreement is a legally binding agreement between an employer and its employees that sets out terms and conditions of employment, such as:

– Wages and pay rates

– Hours of work

– Leave entitlements

– Working arrangements

Enterprise agreements are negotiated between employers and employees (or their representatives) and must be approved by FWA before they can take effect. They can cover a single workplace, a group of workplaces, or an entire industry.

Why lodge an agreement with FWA?

The main reason to lodge an agreement with FWA is to ensure that it meets the legal requirements for an enterprise agreement. FWA will review the agreement to ensure that it complies with:

– The National Employment Standards (NES)

– The Fair Work Act 2009

– Any other applicable legislation or relevant modern award

FWA will also ensure that the agreement does not contain any unlawful or discriminatory clauses. Once approved, the agreement will have the force of law and can be enforced like any other contract.

How to lodge an agreement with FWA

Lodging an agreement with FWA involves several steps. Here’s a brief overview of the process:

1. Draft the agreement: The first step is to draft the agreement with input from employees or their representatives. The agreement must comply with legal requirements and must also be approved by a majority of employees who vote on it.

2. Submit the agreement: Once the agreement has been drafted, it must be submitted to FWA for approval. This can be done online through FWA’s e-lodgment system.

3. Review and approval: FWA will review the agreement to ensure that it complies with legal requirements. This process can take several weeks or even months, depending on the complexity of the agreement. If FWA identifies any issues, it may request that the agreement be amended before it can be approved.

4. Notification and registration: Once the agreement is approved, it must be notified to all employees who will be covered by the agreement. FWA will also register the agreement and it will have the force of law from that point on.


Lodging an agreement with FWA may seem like a complicated process, but it is an important step for employers who want to ensure that their enterprise agreements are legally binding and enforceable. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that your agreement meets all legal requirements and is approved by FWA. If you have any questions or concerns about lodging an agreement, it’s always a good idea to seek legal advice.

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