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Recruitment Service Level Agreement Sample

A service level agreement (SLA) is a contract between a service provider and its clients that outlines the level of service that will be provided. In the world of recruitment, an SLA is an essential tool that outlines the expectations of both the employer and the recruitment agency.

The recruitment process can be challenging and time-consuming, which is why many companies turn to recruitment agencies to help them find the best candidates. An SLA can help establish clear communication between the employer and the recruitment agency, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

Here is a sample recruitment SLA that outlines the expectations of both the employer and the recruitment agency:

1. Onboarding Process

The recruitment agency will provide an onboarding process for all new clients. This process will include a consultation to understand the client`s needs, a proposal outlining the recruitment process, and a timeline for recruitment.

2. Candidate Requirements

The employer will provide the recruitment agency with a clear understanding of the requirements for the role. This will include job descriptions, minimum qualifications, and any other relevant information.

3. Recruitment Process

The recruitment agency will provide a clear outline of the recruitment process, including candidate sourcing, screening, and interview processes. The recruitment agency will also communicate regularly with the employer to provide updates on the progress of the recruitment process.

4. Candidate Selection

The recruitment agency will provide a shortlist of candidates to the employer. The employer will have the final say on which candidates they wish to interview and ultimately hire.

5. Timeframe

The recruitment agency will provide a clear timeline for the recruitment process. This timeline will include deadlines for submitting applications, screening candidates, and conducting interviews.

6. Fees

The recruitment agency will outline their fees in the SLA. These fees will be based on the recruitment process and will be agreed upon by the employer and the recruitment agency before the recruitment process begins.

7. Communication

Both the employer and the recruitment agency will maintain clear communication throughout the recruitment process. The recruitment agency will provide regular updates to the employer on the progress of the recruitment process.

In conclusion, a recruitment service level agreement is an essential tool for both employers and recruitment agencies. It helps to establish clear expectations and communication, ensuring that the recruitment process runs smoothly and efficiently. By using a sample recruitment SLA, employers and recruitment agencies can tailor it to their specific needs and ensure that all expectations are met.

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