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What Is Subject Verb Agreement Examples with Answers

As a copy editor with experience in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), I often see content that lacks proper subject-verb agreement. Subject-verb agreement is one of the fundamental rules of grammar, and it is essential for effective communication. In this article, we will discuss what subject-verb agreement is, its importance, and provide examples with answers.

What is Subject-Verb Agreement?

Subject-verb agreement refers to the grammatical rule that requires the subject and the verb in a sentence to agree in person and number. In simpler terms, the subject should match the verb tense, and the number should be the same.

For example, consider the sentence, “The dog barks.” The subject is “dog,” and the verb is “barks.” In this sentence, the subject and the verb are in agreement because both are singular. However, if we change the subject to a plural, such as “dogs,” the verb must also change to “bark.”

Why is Subject-Verb Agreement Important?

Subject-verb agreement is crucial in effective communication because it helps to clarify what the writer or speaker intends to convey. When there is an agreement between the subject and the verb, the reader or listener can easily understand the message.

On the other hand, when subject-verb agreement is incorrect, the sentence`s meaning and intended message can be unclear, leading to confusion. Moreover, incorrect subject-verb agreement can lower the quality of writing and make it less professional.

Examples with Answers

Let`s take a look at some examples of subject-verb agreement and see if you can spot any errors:

1. Mary and John (is/are) going to the party tonight.

The correct answer is “are.” The subject “Mary and John” is plural, so the verb must also be plural.

2. The cake, along with some cookies, (was/were) served for dessert.

The correct answer is “was.” The subject “cake” is singular, so the verb must also be singular.

3. Each of the students (have/has) a different schedule.

The correct answer is “has.” The subject “each” is singular, and the verb must agree with it.

4. The news (is/are) always exciting to hear.

The correct answer is “is.” “News” is a singular noun, and the verb should also be singular.

5. My sister and I (enjoy/enjoys) watching movies together.

The correct answer is “enjoy.” The subject “my sister and I” is plural, and the verb must also be plural.

Final Thoughts

Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of writing. It not only helps to convey the intended message but also makes the content more professional. By understanding the rules of subject-verb agreement and applying them to your writing, you can improve the quality of your work. Remember, when in doubt, read the sentence aloud to see if it sounds correct and makes sense.

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